27 Sweet Ways to Wish People a Happy Sweetest Day
You’ll want to check for cavities after reading these super sweet greetings.
A lot of the world’s correspondence happens around the holidays. You’ve got Fourth of July barbecue invitations, corny Valentine’s Day messages, Christmas letters, greeting cards… and on and on. Holidays are great occasions to reconnect with people we don’t see or hear from enough during the rest of the year.
The best holiday messages come from the heart, with an assist from the brain. But let’s face it, sometimes neither of them is up to the task. At least, not without a little help.
Fortunately, with all the messages being exchanged every year, there are plenty of examples to use for inspiration. See what works, figure out why it works, and come up with your own unique spin that does the job.
To get started, browse the following articles. They’re stocked with lots of smart holiday wording ideas for every season, with plenty of general advice as well as actual sample wording.
You’ll want to check for cavities after reading these super sweet greetings.
Give your mom friends some well-deserved kudos this Mother’s Day.
Find a Mom’s Day wish for your exceptional sis.
Because all great moms deserve to be appreciated on Mother’s Day.
A round of St. Paddy’s Day wishes for all.
Festive and funny ways to wish your friends a Merry Christmas Eve.
This is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best list of Groundhog Day sayings around.
Sweet and sensuous words for your hubby on Valentine’s Day.
Find a super sweet wish for your super sweet sis.
These holiday greetings for the boss really get the job done.
Sweet, funny, and flirty ways to wish your man a Merry Christmas.
You’ll get hooked on these fun and festive messages.
A veritable sleighful of wording tips and samples for your holiday invite.
These messages remind us of what Christmas is all about.
Jingle all the way through this list of catchy Christmas phrases.
Make next year the punniest year yet.