A King-Sized List of Candy Bar Sayings
Don’t snicker, but giving someone a candy bar is a simple and affordable way to show your appreciation. To sweeten the deal, you can even add a note with a nutty little saying on it. Candy bar messages like these often involve mounds of goofiness, including gooey puns that can lead to a lot of bellyaching from people who can’t stand sweet talk.
As you can see, coming up with cute candy bar sayings isn’t that hard. The main challenge is matching the desired sentiment with the recipient’s favored goodie. Because some brand names are more pun-friendly than others, it always helps if the person isn’t particularly picky about their chocolate.
But in case they are, here’s a list of clever candy bar sayings organized by brand. Consider using one of these the next time you want to give thanks to a teacher, sports coach, friend, spouse, or some other indispensable person in your life. Just print the message on a card and attach it to the nougaty gift of choice.
Hershey’s/General Chocolate Bar Sayings
- I love you a choco-lot

- You are the best [teacher/coach/friend], BAR none
- Thanks for your KING-SIZED help
- You are the sweetest person, BAR none

- Hope this little gift doesn’t go to waist
- You’re my sweetie
- Your sweetness really raises the BAR
Almond Joy
- For all the JOY you bring
- It’s a JOY working with you
- With you as my [teacher/coach/friend], every day is pure JOY
Baby Ruth
- You’re the best – and that’s the truth, Ruth
- You hit it out of the park!
- Baby, you’re the sweetest
- You make things BUTTER by working your FINGERS to the bone – thanks!
- Life with you just keeps getting BUTTER
- When it comes to [teaching/coaching], there’s no one BUTTER
- Don’t take it personally, but I’m giving you the FINGER
- (Get Well) Hope you feel BUTTER soon – until then, don’t lift a FINGER
- Thanks for coming through in a CRUNCH
- When it’s CRUNCH time, I want you on my side
- You always help out in a CRUNCH – thank you!
Junior Mints
- I always MINT to tell you how much I appreciate you
- Thanks for your all your commit-MINT
- You and I are MINT for each other
Kit Kat
- You deserve a break today
- You are one cool KAT
- You’re the Cat’s Meow
- I love you More & More each day

- Many & Many thanks for all you do
- You are Marvelous & Magnificent
- (Romantic) I melt in your hands
- (Mail Carrier) For all the Miles & Miles you travel for us
Milk Duds
- As a [teacher/coach/friend], you’re no dud!
Milky Way
- You’re the best [teacher/coach/friend] in the galaxy
- Your work is truly out of this world
- Don’t MILK it, but I think you’re WAY cool
Mr. Goodbar
- MISTER, you’re one GOOD [teacher/coach/friend]
- Your GOOD work really raises the BAR
- Looking forward to a good year
- You deserve MOUNDS of thanks
- For someone who does MOUNDS of work everyday – thanks!
- Wishing you MOUNDS of happiness
- I’d have to be nuts not to appreciate you
- You’re nutty, but I still love you
- I would go nuts without your help
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- I’m sticking to you like peanut butter
- You and Me: Two great tastes that taste great together
Reese’s Pieces:
- I love you to PIECES
- Without you, I would fall to PIECES
- You’re awesome for so many RIESENS
- Why do I love you? Let me count the RIESENS
Rolos/Tootsie Rolls
- I like how you ROLL
- Thanks for ROLLING up your sleeves and helping
- You’re on a ROLL – great job!
- Don’t SNICKER, but I think you’re the greatest
- Thanks for all the giggles
- You always know how to make me laugh
- I really SKOR’ed when I met you
- I really SKOR’ed getting you as a [teacher/coach/friend]
- (Romantic) Hoping to SKOR with you tonight
3 Musketeers
- Being around you is always an adventure
- To someone who does the work of three people – thanks!
- Just be-TWIX the two of us, you’re the greatest
- Thanks for teaching this old dog some new TWIX
- You’re a WHOPPER of a friend
- I won’t lie: You’re a great [teacher/coach/friend]