28 Fantastic Ways to Wish Folks a Happy February
February may not be one of the more popular months on the calendar, but it is undeniably one of the quirkiest. For starters, there’s that whole leap year thing. Then there’s the weird spelling of the word itself, with an extra “r” that few people actually pronounce.
Of course, February has more going for it than those idiosyncrasies. Most notably, it features one of the biggest holidays of the whole year, Valentine’s Day. February has also long been designated as Black History Month. Finally, the month includes the only holiday starring a weather forecasting marmot, Groundhog Day.
Speaking of weather, it can be pretty miserable in February. But if you’re the glass-half-full type, consider that the days are getting longer and spring is on the horizon in March. If you’re looking for ways to spread some cheer and optimism – or just a few laughs – here are some ways to wish your friends and loved ones a Happy February.
Here are some earnest and heartfelt ways to welcome the month of February.
- May your February be as sweet as an oversized box of chocolates.

- Happy February! Hope you have someone special to cuddle up with in this month of love.
- Happy February, people! Hang in there – it won’t be long until Spring has sprung!
- May your February be Fun, Fabulous, and Full of Happiness.
- Happy first day of February! Hope your new year is off to a great start, and your coming month is full of joy.
- Happy February! Can you feel the love?

- Happy February! Get ready to leap into Spring!
- Wishing you a February full of love and chocolate!
- Just wanted to send you my heartfelt wishes for a Happy February!
- Happy February, all! Hope everything comes up roses for you in the month ahead!

- Happy February, Happy Groundhog Day, and Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!
- Sending you my warmest wishes on a cold first day of February.
Here are some February wishes that are more on the humorous side.
- Hello, February. Goodbye, New Year’s resolutions.

- Welcome to February, the shortest and most misspelled month.
- Leaping lizards! It’s February!
- Just when my waistline was starting to recover from Christmas, here comes February and another chocolatey holiday!
- The weather may be crappy, but at least we have an overly commercialized holiday to look forward to in a couple of weeks. Happy February!
- Happy February. Can we skip to Spring now?

- Happy February, everyone! Hope your New Year’s resolutions are faring better than mine!
- Welcome to February, the best of the winter months. Why best? Because it’s the shortest.
February Quotes
Finally, here’s a collection of insightful quotes about the month of February.
- “February is short and very sweet.”
Charmaine J Forde

- “It was no accident that our ancestors pinned Valentine’s day on February’s shirt: he or she lucky enough to have a lover in frigid, antsy February has cause for celebration, indeed.”
Tom Robbins
- “Why, what’s the matter,
That you have such a February face,
So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?”William Shakespeare - “February – the month of love..?!! No wonder the shortest one in the calendar.”
Dinesh Kumar Biran
- “February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.”
Shirley Jackson
- “Why does February feel like one big Tuesday?”
Todd Stocker
- “February brings the rain,
Thaws the frozen lake again.”Sarah Coleridge - “February is the border between winter and spring.”
Terri Guillemets