Secret Santa Invitation Wording: Ideas and Examples
A Secret Santa gift exchange can be great fun, but of course, someone has to organize it. And if that someone is you, you’ll want to get the invitations out early. After all, it’s the busy holiday season and you need enough runway to send out invites, get RSVPs, draw names, etc.
Needless to say, if the gift exchange is happening well in advance of the 25th, it’s all the more important to get those invites out pronto. But don’t get your tinsel in a tangle. Coming up with Secret Santa invitation wording is easy. This article will show you how.
You could come up with your own Secret Santa invitation wording, but why bother if there’s already wording that fits your needs? Here are some examples that you can use or modify:
- ‘Tis the Season For
Secret Santa
Join Us For an Evening of Food, Drinks & Mysterious Gift-Giving
Friday, December 18 at 7 PM
The Johnson Home
1234 Jolly Lane, Riverdale
RSVP to Jen by Dec. 12 to get your name! (phone/email)
Gifts should cost no more than $15 - Shhhh! You’re Invited To A
Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Saturday, December 19 at 5 PM
Hosted by Steve and Nancy Smith
1234 Candy Cane Lane, Ashland
RSVP by Dec. 12 (Steve at phone) to find out who you’re buying for!
Gifts should cost $15-20
- Can You Keep a Secret?
We’ll Find Out When You Join Us For A
Secret Santa Party
Friday, December 18 at 6 PM
The Boyd Residence
1234 Holly Drive, Charleston
RSVP to Lynn by Dec. 12 to get your name!
Max Gift Value $10 – Homemade Gifts Welcome!
- Join Us For A
Holiday Party & Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Thursday, December 17 at 5 PM
The Holiday Inn
1234 Spirit Road, Anytown
RSVP to Tina Bowers (phone/email) by Dec. 10
Bring a $10 gift for the person whose name you receive!
Simple Text Email
It’s time for our annual Secret Santa Gift Exchange. Join us for food, drinks, and a suspenseful gift exchange.
Friday, December 18
7 pm
Karen’s House
1234 Reindeer Road, Joyville
This year, we decided gifts should be in the $15-20 range. However, you’re also welcome to make your own!
Reply to this email or give me a call (phone) by December 12 to get your name in the hat. I’ll let you know whom you’re buying for and send you a link to the website we’re using to manage the gift exchange.
Should be fun!

Secret Santa Invite Tips
A Secret Santa gift exchange typically happens at a Christmas party, in which case your invitation should include all the important information about the gathering. Here are a few quick tips specific to the gift exchange:
1. Get your terminology straight. Don’t call it a “Secret Santa” if what you’re really hosting is a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Similarly, be aware that Secret Santa is known as Kris Kringle in some places and Pollyanna in others. When in doubt, ask around to find out what terms are likely to be familiar to people.
2. Include the price limit. Your eager Santas will naturally want to know how much they should spend, so if you haven’t thought about the price limit, you should do so before sending out the invites (hint: $10 or $20 is typical). State the price somewhere on the invitation so people know whether they can afford to participate.
3. Be aggressive with the RSVP date. If you’re pressed for time, it’s better to move up the RSVP date rather than force people to rush their gift shopping. This is particularly true if you’re sending an email invitation or some other instant form of communication. For snail mail, you have to allow more time to be sure your invites reach their destinations.
4. Leave most details for later. There’s lots of information you could give your invitees, such as an explanation of the game or a link to the gift exchange site you’re using. However, it’s better to keep it short and only include the information people really need. When you notify your confirmed Secret Santas to tell them what name they got, that’s a perfect opportunity to give them the extra tidbits.