This Batch of Cookie Puns Will Bake Your Day
Cookies have power. Specifically, the word “cookie” has the power to grab attention and make ears perk up. This holds true for the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the human and the canine.
Hence, when you engage in cookie wordplay, you’re playing with power. And believe us, there’s a lot to play with. Cookies might not contain a lot of nutrition, but they’re a rich and delectable source of puns. To see what we mean, just check out this list of cookie puns. These cookie-related jokes, quotes, and sayings are sure to leave you with a chip-eating grin on your face.
To start off, here are some riddles and one-liners that make use of cookie puns.
- I drew a picture of a cookie that made everyone laugh.
It was a snickerdoodle.

- Why did the guy take so long dunking his cookie?
He was really milking it! - Why did the baker sign all her cookies in frosting?
She wanted to bake a name for herself! - How did the Gingerbread Man get into a top college?
Because he’s one smart cookie! - How did the little cookie react to being placed in a new home?
It was jarring!

- What do you get when you use a deer-shaped cookie cutter?
Cookie doe! - What kind of keys does the Gingerbread Man carry?
Cook-keys! - How do you make a baby computer cry?
Delete his cookies! - What kind of cookies do rich people like best?
Fortune cookies!
- What did Homer Simpson say when he dropped a pan of cookies he was putting in the oven?
Dough! - What type of cookies do redheads like best?
Ginger snaps! - Why did the chocolate chip cookie drop all his chips?
Because that’s the way the cookie fumbles!
- What do you call it when two cookies from the same sheet fall in love?
A batch made in heaven! - Why did the thief rob the Keebler Elves?
Because they had a lot of dough! - What do you call a thief who robs the Keebler Elves?
A crook-ie! - What kind of cookies should you make if you’re short on cash?
Shortbread cookies!

- What do you call an oatmeal raisin cookie baked at 666 degrees?
Raisin hell! - Why couldn’t the Cookie Monster make his bed?
He couldn’t find a cookie sheet! - Why did the Oreo cookie visit the dentist?
To get his filling replaced! - What’s the best kind of cookie to hand out on Halloween?
Ghoul scout cookies!
- How did the bakers help their colleague who ran out of cookie ingredients?
They all chipped in! - What Star Wars character do the Keebler elves like best?
Chewy! - Why is Chewy the Keebler elves’ favorite Star Wars character?
Because he’s one tough Wookiee!
- What kind of cookies to physicists like best?
Fig Neutrons! - What do you think about people who put almonds in cookies?
I think they’re nuts! - What kind of cookies do vampires like to eat?
Vein-illa wafers! - What kind of cookies do professors like best?
Academia Nut!
Here are some short and snappy cookie puns for captions.
- Some people think I’m one smart cookie, but actually I’m just kooky.

- Don’t count your cookies before they batch.
- Baking News: I made cookies!
- Pardon my chip-eating grin.
- I’m a crumb bum.
- [Oatmeal Raisin] Raisin the bar.
- I’ll bake you a cookie you can’t refuse.
- Let’s get ready to crumble!

- Holy chip, these are good.
- Crumb as you are.
- I’ve got a chip on my shoulder.
A gift of cookies is always a big hit. Here are some short cookie sayings for the gift tag.
- Without you, I would crumble.
- A cookie gift for my kooky friend.
- Here’s a variety of cookies you can pick and chews from.
- Just hoping to bake your day a little better.
- I appreciate having a tough cookie like you in my corner.
- Looky, looky, I made you cookies!
- [Get Well] I heard you were feeling crummy. Hope this cheers you up a little bit.
- [Chocolate Chip Cookies] For someone who never fails to chip in when asked.
- [Chocolate Chip Cookies] You’re on my chip list.
- [Christmas Cookies] Believe in the magic… of cookies.
- [Nuts] These cookies are a little nutty… just like me!
- [Sugar Cookies] A little sugar for the sweetest friend a person could ask for.
- [Oatmeal Raisin] For someone who’s always raisin’ the bar.